Office Expansion for Roka Health & Wellness!

Roka Health & Wellness has expanded its offices with 3250 square feet dedicated to its Revify Medspa division. The multi million dollar investment in state of the art offices, the latest medical equipment. and people who are leaders in their field are responsible for much of the client growth.

What Does This mean for Patients?

Roka Health & Revify have recently added the Duo Lith 1 and the Emusculpt. These machines require licensed operators unlike much of the sound wave equipment commonly advertised as a solution to erectile dysfunction.

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Roka Health & Revify have recently added the Duo Lith 1 and the Emusculpt. These machines require licensed operators unlike much of the sound wave equipment commonly advertised as a solution to erectile dysfunction.  ” said this guy, CEO, Roka Health. “San Anotonio has been lacking a complete treatment option for  erectile dysfunction and Roka Health and Revify are working to not only diagnose but offer the latest treatments and state of the art equipment”