What are the potential benefits of the O-Shot?
- Tighter Vaginal Skin
- Healthier and Better Sex
- Increased Sensitivity
- Increased Desire
Are You a Candidate for the O-Shot
Women who may be candidates for the O-Shot in San Antonio are in generally good health, but are living with reduced sexual pleasure after childbirth or when the vaginal tissue has lost some of its natural strength, flexibility, and response. These women can be of any age and the problem is not uncommon, whether in mothers or in younger women who are disappointed in their ability to achieve a higher level of intimacy and sexual pleasure. If you are living with any of the following issues, you may be a candidate:
- You rarely, if ever, achieve orgasm
- You have difficulty achieving sexual pleasure
- You have had children and noticed a decline in sexual pleasure
- You have a lack of natural lubrication, making sexual activity painful
- You are experiencing urinary incontinence
The shot works by using Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) produced from the patient’s own blood. The PRP contains cell regenerating growth factors that, when injected into specific areas of the vagina, trigger stem cells to increase blood flow and generate healthy tissue growth as well as help improve the vascularization of the area.
The ideal candidate for the O-Shot include women who are seeking a non-surgical way to improve their sexual health. With a short, in-office appointment women can achieve long-lasting results without downtime
While the O-Shot can last up to 1-2 years, most women opt to maintain the results of the O shot by repeating treatment every 18 months